Data Scientists
Understanding the uniqueness of the AI industry is important. Getting the right woman on the team makes it easy to understand and interpret AI data and make predictions like an expert. Understanding and interpreting data is industry-specific, and the women in AI are the go-get experts to fill the void. 


Data scientist


Data scientist


Data scientist


Data scientist
Data Engineers
Business problems cannot be solved, development and growth cannot be achieved without data. Women data engineers take responsibility for the unseen and make it possible to have responsive data. A data scientist cannot perform best without an expert data engineer who will provide the foundation for building models and reports. 


Data scientist


Data scientist


Data scientist


Data scientist

Hiring skilled Data Engineers & Data scientist

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Data Scientists

The AI industry is still in its infancy and there are thousands of open positions and more to come. It is not a matter of man or woman. It is about brain power and ability to understand complex xxx and have the right investigative mindset to interpret AI data, build predictive models and storytelling skillset to correctly convey the data for impact. But we do need more women in order to
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Data Engineers

Business problems cannot be solved, development and growth cannot be achieved without data. Women data engineers take responsibility for the unseen and make it possible to have responsive data. A data scientist cannot perform best without an expert data engineer who will provide the foundation for building models and reports.
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The perfect opportunity to get real-world experience for women in AI is through an internship. Women in AI academy allows you have the hands-on experience needed to work in the real world. The academy encourages networking, exposes women to events, meetings, and seminars that will shape lives. 

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Women in AI Academy is an Ethical AI consulting academy that is saddled with taking Ethical AI to the next level. We do this by offering quality service and training women that will become the backbone of Ethical AI. This cannot be achieved without the right support. We look forward to your contribution to making the dream a reality and putting women on the map in the AI world. 
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