Ethical AI Consulting & Assessments
What we do
We specialize in consulting companies for  ethical AI that adheres to implement ethical solutions and doesn’t infringe on human rights.
How we do
Depending on your need and maturity level for AI, we can support you before designing an AI solution, to development and deployment of it.  Our help can be in the form of technical consulting, coaching, workshops for the AI teams, and assessments of the implemented solutions.
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Ethical AI Assessment, Audit & Consulting
What we do
Our expertise lie in enabling companies to evolve into and with AI while adhering to ethical values and standards that do not infringe on human rights. Due to our experience in the field of ethical AI, we are proud to have been chosen to author and write the Masterclass for IEEE's SA Ethic Certification Program for Autonomous and Intelligence Systems (ECPAIS) aimed at assessors and partners.  The experience and appreciation for our work in the field of ethical AI and its standards greatly benefits our clients in the form of technical consulting, coaching, workshops for the AI teams and assessments of the implemented solutions
Depending to your need and maturity level,  we can support you:
  • prior to designing an AI solution
  • provide skilled resources 
  • in development and deployment
  • assessment of implemented solutions
We enable companies to evolve into and with AI, with adherence to ethical approach that ....
Data Auditing
What we do
With our experts who are competent and experienced in  data engineering tasks. If you are a company which handles complex data to reach actionable conclusions, we are the right partner for you.
How we do
Depending on your need and maturity level for AI, we can support you before designing an AI solution, to development and deployment of it.  Our help can be in the form of technical consulting, coaching, workshops for the AI teams, and assessments of the implemented solutions.
Schedule a call
You can CALL US at any time; we are always at your service.
Ethical AI Certification
What we do
We provide globally recognized certificates to students, participants, and clients.
How we do
Our certificates are only available for students that pass through us. And we impact relevant knowledge that will make them able to defend the certificates anywhere in the world.
Schedule a call
CALL US now to start your journey to becoming a certified ethical AI professional

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